Approx. 1.92 Ha personal rice paddies (amazing terraces), grapefruit ‘jeruk’ plantation, coffee bean, spices, tropical fruits, bamboo, and view of pure nature. A Private serene area, a small road (currently being upgraded) ending at the property, overlooking an amazing rice terrace view, that belongs to the property. A dream plot for the special persons who need absolute privacy, a ‘never ending’ natural view, and to be somewhat ‘self-sustaining’. 6,400 square meters is the sloping hillside facing and connected to the rice paddies. Mountain spring water flows on both outer sides of the property, and drinkable water sources from Mt. Batu Karu. The 6400sqm, changed to Tourism Development plot in 2018. The plot is located in Pupuan, Tabanan, 34 minutes away from Soka beach.
Approx. 1.28 Ha personal rice paddies (amazing terraces), grapefruit ‘jeruk’ plantation, coffee bean, spices, tropical fruits, bamboo, and view of pure Nature. A Private serene area, a small road (currently being upgraded) ending at the Property, overlooking an amazing rice terrace view, that belongs to the Property. A dream plot for the special persons who need absolute Privacy, a ‘never ending’ Natural view, and to be somewhat ‘Self-sustaining’ 6,400 square meters, is the sloping hillside facing and connected to the rice paddies. Mountain spring water flows on both outer sides of the property, and drinkable water sources from Mt. Batu Karu. The Top certificate, 64Arah, 2018 changed to Tourism Development plot.
Approx. 1.92 Ha personal rice paddies (amazing terraces), grapefruit ‘jeruk’ plantation, coffee bean, spices, tropical fruits, bamboo, and view of pure nature. A Private serene area, a small road (currently being upgraded) ending at the property, overlooking an amazing rice terrace view, that belongs to the property. A dream plot for the special persons who need absolute privacy, a ‘never ending’ natural view, and to be somewhat ‘self-sustaining’. 6,400 square meters is the sloping hillside facing and connected to the rice paddies. Mountain spring water flows on both outer sides of the property, and drinkable water sources from Mt. Batu Karu. The 6400sqm, changed to Tourism Development plot in 2018. The plot is located in Pupuan, Tabanan, 34 minutes away from Soka beach.
Pada tahun 2000, Erika lulus dengan gelas Sarjana Teknik dari Universitas Maranatha di Bandung. Beliau bekerja di perusahaan pengolah makanan nasional sebagai asisten kepala pabrik dan ini memberinya pengalaman berharga dalam administrasi eksekutif, mengelola pegawai dan membangun hubungan dengan klien. Di tahun 2005, dia pindah ke Bali dan bergabung dengan Exotiq Property. Dia dengan cepat naik pangkat dan sekarang menjadi agen penjualan dan manajer kantor. Erika sangat berpengalaman di pemasaran dan penjualan properti, memberikan perhatian pada setiap detail dan bekerja extra untuk membuat kliennya senang.